Hip hop artist from West Los Angeles, Marc “Mayjah” Payne releases his critically acclaimed children’s rhyming book “Two Homes, One Love.” When asked, “Why did you write the book?”, Marc Payne responded that ODB from the Wu Tang Clan came to him in a dream and said, “Do it for the youth. Puffy is good, but Wu Tang is the best. Wu Tang is for the children and we teach the children.” Allegedly, Marc Payne was a temporary Substitute Teacher for Kindergarten through 5th grade in the public school district. The “Story-Time” with the students inspired the family values classic “Two Homes, One Love” about keeping the household together. The music for the audiobook was mixed by Pablo Productions (@longlivpablo) and the instrumental beat was created by @MayjahPayne himself.
Watch the visual and listen to the rhyming audiobook on Youtube and buy the book “Two Homes, One Love” on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.